Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lunchtime Tuna

Tinned tuna is tasty lunchtime filler that can be teamed with lots of different things. I recommend going for tinned tuna steak, rather than flakes, as they tend to be less processed and generally contain less salt. It's also much healthier to buy tuna in spring water or brine, rather than sunflower oil, but you still need to make sure it's well drained before eating.

The following recipe makes a tasty lunchtime snack for 2 people.

• 150g drained tinned tuna steak (Usually sold as 198g tin)
• 20g low fat mayonnaise (or better still extra low fat mayonnaise)
• A twist of black pepper
• A sprinkle of dried or fresh chives (optional)
• A couple of drops of lemon juice (optional)

  1. Mix the tuna, mayo and black pepper together and chose one of the options below. Serve with the chives and lemon juice if using.
Add some veg?
  • A handful of sweet-corn is a great classic
  • Half a pepper, finely chopped
  • 2 spring onions, finely chopped
  • ¼ red onion, finely chopped
  • Half a carrot, finely grated
  • Some iceberg lettuce, shredded
  • Cucumber, finely sliced
Add some fruit?
  • Half a small apple, cubed
  • A handful of  pineapple chunks
  • A handful of dried sultanas
Add some cheese?
  • 20g of grated low fat cheese, such as Dubliner Low Fat or Low Low cheddar
  • Stir in 20g of low fat cream cheese (or better still extra low fat cream cheese)
  • Stir in 10g of goats cheese
Serve on 
  • 4 Slices of Weightwatchers whole meal bread, lightly buttered with low fat spread (2 slices per person)
  • 4 Slices of Weightwatchers whole meal bread, light toasted, then lightly buttered with low fat spread (2 per person)
  • 4 Slices of wheaten bread such as Mc Cambridges (2 per person)
  • 8 Ryvita crisp breads, lightly buttered with low fat spread (4 per person)
  • 4 toasted crumpets (2 per person)
  • 120g portion of Wholewheat Couscous (60g per person)
To follow?

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