Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pork & Tomato Rice One Pot

It doesn't seem this winter is ever going to end! But at least it's a good excuse to make delicious winter warmer recipes. This dish combines pork, tomato and rice to make a fantastic winter meal.  

Similar to beef, pork is another meat that can still be eaten in moderation when trying to lose weight. Although make sure it's well trimmed before hand, removing all visible fat.  

This dish is ideal for a midweek meal as it's ready in approximately 45 minutes and better still, as it's cooked in one pot, there's less washing-up!

The following recipe makes makes two portions.

• 4 sprays of Fry Light One Cal Spray oil
• 2 medium pork chops. Trimmed of all visible fat and cut into approximately half inch cubes
• 5g / 1 teaspoon of low fat butter spread
• 1 medium onion. Peeled and finely chopped.
• 2 sticks of celery. Topped, tailed, washed and finely chopped
• ½ medium courgette. Washed and sliced into rough dice
• Salt & pepper
• 120g white rice (Basmati or Easicook rice would work). (The dish won't work with brown rice as it takes too long to cook)
• 1 x 400g tin of tomatoes
• 1 teaspoon of tomato puree
• 2 sweeteners
• 1 bay leaf
• 1 bouquet garni
• 1 teaspoon of Italian herbs 
• 1 pint of chicken stock. Made with 2 cubes crumbled
• Salt & pepper to taste
• 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried parsley for garnish

  1. Heat a large pan over a high heat and when hot, add 2 sprays of spray oil and add half the pork. Stir fry for approximately 5 minutes or so. Until it's sealed and starts to colour. When done, remove to a plate or bowl.
  2. Next, add another two sprays and stir fry the remaining pork. Again when it's done, add to the plate/bowl and keep to one side.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium then add the butter spread. When it's bubbling, add the onion, celery and courgette and stir fry for 8-10 minutes. Lightly season the vegetables with salt and pepper.
  4. When the veg is done,  add the rice and stir well to ensure the grains are coated. 
  5. Next, return the pork to the pan (along with any juices the pork  has released). Stir again to combine.
  6. Add the tomatoes, puree, sweeteners, bay leaf, bouquet garni, herbs and stock and stir to combine.
  7. Turn the heat to high and bring the sauce back to the boil and let it bubble away for a minute or so. Then reduce the heat to medium and cover the pan loosely with a lid or plate.  Let the sauce simmer for 30 minutes, stirring every now and then to ensure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pot. If the sauce is starting to look a little dry, add another splash of boiling water.
  8. Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. Remove the bay leaf and bouquet garni.
  9. Transfer to warmed bowls and sprinkle the parsley on top.

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