Monday, February 8, 2010

Brown Rice

There's just nothing better than a bowl of rice. It's great with curries, stews and casseroles.

When trying to lose weight, brown rice is the best option to go for. While it does take longer to cook, the benefits far outweigh the additional time and effort. I recommend adding a stock cube when cooking rice as it's a great way to get additional flavour into your meal.
The following recipe makes great tasting rice for two people.

• 120g brown rice
• 1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
• ½ teaspoon salt (Or better still low sodium salt)
• 2 pints of water

  1. Add 2 pints of boiling water to a large sauce pan and bring back to the boil.
  2. When the water is bubbling, add the stock cube and salt and stir to make sure it's fully dissolved.
  3. Add the rice and stir to ensure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Bring the pot back to the boil again. Then reduce the heat to medium. Loosely cover the pot with a lid.
  4. Let it bubble away for 40 minutes (I know 40!). Drain the rice into a sieve (not a colander, half of it will end up in the sink) and shake to remove excess water.
  5. Divide between two bowls and serve.

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