Monday, March 29, 2010

Kofta Kebabs

Kofta kebabs are a traditional Persian dish made with minced meat, delicately spiced and served in warmed pitta bread. They are usually made using a mix of minced beef and lamb, this recipe uses turkey mince to keep the calories down.

The kebabs are served with whole meal pitta breads and can be topped with low fat mayo, fat free yoghurt, sweet chili sauce or even a little ketchup. The meat mixture can be prepared and shaped in advance, then refrigerated and grilled when you need them. They would also work well served with some rice or couscous if you wanted to make a more substantial meal.

The following recipe makes 8 mini-koftas. You should serve two per pitta. 

• 250g lean turkey mince (Extra lean beef or pork mince would also work well)
• 2 x slices of Weight watchers whole meal bread, blitzed with a hand blender 
• 1 chicken stock cube, crumbled
• 1 teaspoon of ground paprika
• 1 teaspoon of ground coriander
• 1 teaspoon of ground cumin
• ½ teaspoon of dried garlic powder
• ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
• ½ teaspoon of chili flakes
• a little salt and a good twist of black pepper
• 1 medium egg. Lightly beaten
• A little sauce to serve as required
• A little chopped spring onion, chopped lettuce or chopped tomato to serve as required
• Pitta breads. Lightly toasted

  1. Ideally you need 4 skewers to make these kebabs. Metal or wooden ones would do, but if using wooden ones, you need to soak them in cold water for 3-5 minutes before using. Wipe them dry after soaking.
  2. Add the turkey, breadcrumbs, stock cube and spices to a large bowl and combine, breaking the mince into smaller pieces. 
  3. Next, add the egg and continue to mix well for a minute or so. If the mixture is a little dry, you can add a small splash of low fat milk. (If the mixture is too wet, you can add a few more breadcrumbs).
  4. To shape the koftas, I find its best to wet one hand. Divide the mixture into 8 roughly even portions. Take one of the portions in the wet hand and lightly squeeze it to make a sausage shape. Carefully slide the skewer into one end of the mince mixture and continue to mould it to form an even shape. Repeat this process with a second portion of meat and add to the other end of the skewer. Place the completed skewers on a clean plate or sheet of tin foil until you're ready to grill them.
  5. Heat the grill to a medium to high heat and add the kebabs. Grill for 15-18 minutes until they are browned and thoroughly cooked through, turning frequently. (A slanted grill like a 'George Forman' would also work well).
  6. Transfer the koftas to the warmed or toasted pitta bread and serve with the toppings. 

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