Monday, March 1, 2010

Lunchtime Salmon

Tinned salmon is tasty lunchtime filler that can be teamed with lots of different things. It's also a great standby cupboard item that goes great with a pasta and rice. Available in standard pink or red varieties, it's another great source of Omega 3 oils that sort you out! Both are great, but keep an eye on the salt content when deciding.

The following recipe makes a tasty lunchtime snack for 2 people.

Ingredients - Salmon in mayo
• 200g drained tinned  salmon (Usually sold as 212g tin)
• 20g low fat mayonnaise (or better still extra low fat mayonnaise)
• A twist of black pepper
• A sprinkle of dried or fresh chives (optional)

Ingredients - Salmon in marie-rose sauce
• 200g drained tinned  salmon (Usually sold as 212g tin)
• 20g low fat mayonnaise (or better still extra low fat mayonnaise)
• 5g tomato ketchup
• A shake of cayenne pepper

  1. Mix the salmon and sauces as listed above and chose one of the options below.
Add some veg?
  • A handful of sweet-corn is a great classic
  • Half a pepper, finely chopped
  • 2 spring onions, finely chopped
  • ¼ red onion, finely chopped
  • Half a carrot, finely grated
  • Some iceberg lettuce, shredded
  • Cucumber, finely sliced
Add some fruit?
  • Half a small apple, cubed
  • A handful of  pineapple chunks
  • A handful of dried sultanas
Add some cheese?
  • 20g of grated low fat cheese, such as Dubliner Low Fat or Low Low cheddar
  • Stir in 20g of low fat cream cheese (or better still extra low fat cream cheese)
  • Stir in 10g of goats cheese
Serve on 
  • 4 Slices of Weightwatchers whole meal bread, lightly buttered with low fat spread (2 slices per person)
  • 4 Slices of Weightwatchers whole meal bread, light toasted, then lightly buttered with low fat spread (2 per person)
  • 4 Slices of wheaten bread such as Mc Cambridges (2 per person)
  • 8 Ryvita crisp breads, lightly buttered with low fat spread (4 per person)
  • 4 toasted crumpets (2 per person)
  • 120g portion of Wholewheat Couscous (60g per person)
To follow?

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