Monday, March 22, 2010

Mushroom & Cheese Omelette

Omelettes are a great option for breakfast when trying to loose weight, especially at the weekend when you have a little more time. They are a good source of protein and will keep you going till lunch time and beyond.

You could add some extras to your omelette if you want to make it go further. Chopped tomatoes or a spring onion would go well. Alternatively, you could meat it up with some chopped ham or turkey or a slice or two of grilled bacon would also work. 
The following recipe makes two portions.

• 2 eggs. Beaten together with a splash or water or low fat milk and a twist of salt and black pepper
• 4 sprays of Spray Light One Cal Spray Oil
• 150g mushrooms. Wiped/washed and quartered
• 5g/1 teaspoon of low fat butter spread
• a twist of black pepper
• 3 slices/15g of low fat cheddar cheese. Cut into small slices

  1. Heat a large frying pan on a medium to high heat.
  2. Meanwhile, place the chopped mushrooms in a small bowl and add the butter and pepper, then cover with cling film. Pop the mushrooms into the microwave and heat on full power for 3 minutes. Carefully remove them from the microwave, using a cloth and remove the cling film, facing away from you. (To avoid any steam that may have built up).
  3. When the pan is hot, add the sprays of oil and add the eggs. Allow the eggs to spread out to cover the pan.
  4. When the egg has been on for 3-4 minutes and starting to solidify, reduce the heat to low and add the mushrooms to one side of the omelette, then cover with the cheese.
  5. Next fold the omelette over covering the mushrooms and cheese side and allow to cook for a further minute or so.
  6. Halve the omelette and separate into two portions. (You can turn these a second time if you want to brown the top a little more).
  7. Serve on warmed plates with a twist of black pepper.

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