Friday, April 23, 2010

Broccoli Soup

This light creamy soup is a great option for lunch or would work well as a starter. To maintain the colour and vitamins, the broccoli is steamed over the simmering stock and then added at the end.

Like the other soups I've posted, this is great served with a slice or two of Weight Watchers whole meal bread and a little low fat butter, or 2 slices of wheaten bread such as Mc Cambridges. A couple of Ryvita crisp bread also go very well as an alternative.
The following recipe makes two generous lunch/dinner portions or four starter portions.

• 5g / 1 teaspoon of low fat butter spread
• 100g onion. Peeled and chopped
• 100g celery. Washed, topped, tailed and roughly sliced
• 2 cloves of garlic. Peeled and finely chopped
• 200g Potatoes. Washed and roughly sliced
• 2 pints of chicken or vegetable stock (preferably low sodium stock)
• 400g broccoli. Washed and cut into florets
• a little salt
•  ½ pint low fat milk
• A good twist of black pepper and a little salt if needed
• 20g low fat or extra low fat cream cheese
• Grated nutmeg (optional)

  1. Heat a pot over a medium to high heat and add the butter spread. When it's bubbling, add the onion and celery. Fry for 5-8 minutes until softened, but not coloured. 
  2. Then add the garlic and continue to fry for a further minute or so.
  3. Next, add the stock and potatoes and stir to combine. Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes. 
  4. Next, place the broccoli in a steamer or colander and season lightly with salt. Allow the broccoli to steam over the simmering soup for a further 15 minutes.
  5. After 15 minutes, check the broccoli is tender and if done, remove and plunge it into cold water to stop it cooking. (This maintains the green colour too). If not done, allow to steam for a further couple of minutes. 
  6. Remove the soup from the heat, add the milk and carefully blitz with a hand blender. (Alternatively transfer to a food processor and blitz in batches).
  7. Return the broccoli to the soup and continue to blitz until the soup reaches a creamy consistency. 
  8. Return to the heat for a minute or so to heat through and finally stir in the low fat cream cheese and stir to combine. 
  9. Add the black pepper and taste to check the seasoning and add salt if needed. Transfer the soup to bowls and serve with the nutmeg grated on top if using.

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