Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Parsnip Puree

Parsnips are a great veg that are often overlooked when planning accompaniments for a meal. Often included in supermarket special offers, they are cheaper, contain more vitamins and have more fibre than their glamourous, ubiquitous counterpart; carrots.

In this recipe, the parsnips are steamed first, locking in their sweetness and vitamins and then pureed in a little vegetable stock to form a creamy consistency. They would be a great, lower carb, alternative to regular potato mash.

Ideal with roast chicken or fish, pureed parsnips would also go great with a Sunday Roast with other veg on the side.
This recipe will give two portions if serving with other veg. If the puree replaces mashed potatoes, make double the amount below to serve two people.

• 200g of parsnips. Topped, tailed, peeled and quartered lengthways, then roughly chopped. The centre core can be a little bitter sometimes in bigger parsnips, so you should trim this away. 
• 1 pint of boiling water
• 1 vegetable stock cube. Crumbled
• 1 teaspoon of thyme
• a little salt
• 1 teaspoon / 5g low fat butter spread
• a little salt and a good twist of black pepper

  1. Add the boiling water to a pot and add the stock cube. Place the steamer on top (you can use a colander if you don't have a steamer) and add the parsnips.
  2. Add the thyme and salt and cover loosely with a lid or plate.
  3. Allow to steam for 15-20 minutes until the parsnips 'give' when prodded with a knife.
  4. Remove from the heat and transfer to a high sided container ready for blitzing. Keep the stock to one side.
  5. Add the butter spread and gently mash the parsnips with a fork. Add about 20ml of stock (about 4-5 tablespoons) and blitz the parsnips using a hand blender until creamy. You can add a little more stock if you like.
  6. Taste and add salt and pepper as needed then serve.


  1. This looks lovely. Almost like glammed-up potato.My lovely husband is a little obsessed with parsnips. I must try making this. Is it dried thyme you used?

  2. Glammed up potato.. lol! The steaming really keeps the flavour and sweetness in. I used dried thyme but fresh would make them even nicer. Although, I'd use a little less keep the flavours balanced. Let me know how you get on!
