Monday, May 10, 2010

Lamb Tagine

Lamb Tagine on the menu today. A tagine is the name given to an earthenware dish that is used in North African cookery and the meals made in them. This take on a tagine is done on the the hob with lamb and vegetables simmered gently, spiced with cinnamon, cumin and chili powder, then sweetened slightly with a little honey.

This dish is great served with Brown Rice or Lemon & Coriander Couscous
The following recipe makes two generous portions.

• 1 x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
• 2 teaspoons of tomato puree
• Half a pint of boiling water
• 3 sweeteners
• 2 chicken stock cubes, crumbled (or low sodium stock if prefered)
• 1 teaspoon of chili powder
• 1 teaspoon of cumin. Seeds or powdered cumin
• 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
• 4 sprays of Fry Light One Cal Spray Oil
• 400g lamb. Leg steaks are the leanest. Trimmed of any visible fat and cubed
• 1 green pepper, washed, deseeded and roughly chopped
• 2 sticks of celery. Washed, topped, tailed and finely chopped
• 2-3 carrots. Washed, topped, tailed, peeled and roughly chopped
• 5g / 1 teaspoon of low fat butter spread
• 1 medium onion. (Red or white). Peeled and finely sliced
• 2 cloves of garlic. Peeled and finely chopped
• 2 teaspoons of honey
• Salt to taste
• A good twist of black pepper

  1. Add the tinned chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, stock cubes, boiling water and sweeteners to a large pot. Turn the heat to a high heat and bring the pot to a boil. Once it’s boiled, reduce the heat to medium and add the chili powder, cumin and  cinnamon and stir in.
  2. Meanwhile, heat a large frying pan on a high heat and add 2 sprays of oil. Add half the lamb and fry for 3-5 minutes until browned. Transfer the lamb to the simmering sauce.
  3. Then, add the second 2 sprays of oil and fry the rest of the lamb until browned. Again, transfer to the sauce when browned.
  4. Next, add the chopped peppers and fry gently for 5-8 minutes until lightly browned. You should lightly season the peppers with salt and pepper. Transfer the peppers to the tomato sauce.
  5. Next, add the chopped celery and fry gently for 3-5 minutes until lightly browned. You should lightly season the celery with salt and pepper. Transfer to the tomato sauce.
  6. Next, add the chopped carrot and fry gently for 8-10 minutes until lightly browned. You should lightly season the carrot with salt and pepper. Transfer to the tomato sauce.
  7. Finally, add the butter spread to the pan and, when bubbling, add the onions. Stir gently for 3-5 minutes, until lightly coloured. Then add the garlic and continue to fry for a further minute. Add the onion and garlic mixture to the tomato sauce also. You can add a splash of boiling water to dissolve any residue left in the pan. Add this to the tomato sauce also.
  8. Stir the tomato sauce gently to make sure all the additional ingredients are combined. Bring the pot back to the boil and let it bubble for a minute or so.
  9. Reduce the heat to low/medium and partially cover the pot with a lid and leave to simmer for approximately 1 and half hours. Stir the pot every 30 minutes or so to ensure the sauce is not sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  10. Add the honey and taste to check the seasoning and add some salt and pepper as needed. 
  11. Divide into two portions and serve.

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