Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Raisin & Oatmeal Scones

These raisin and oatmeal scones are very light to eat, yet are surprisingly filling and will keep you full for a good couple of hours. Ideal for a quick breakfast they also work well as a mid-morning snack.

Great served on their own, they are even better sliced in half with some low fat butter and sugar free jam.
The recipe will give approximately 20 small scones.

• 5-6 sprays of Fry Lights One Cal spray oil
• 75g of dried raisins
• 15ml orange juice. (With no added sugar)
• 175g self-raising flour. Plus more for dusting
• 1 teaspoon of baking powder
• 1 heaped teaspoon of cinnamon
• 6 sweeteners. Crushed with a spoon
• 50g of instant porridge oatmeal plus more for sprinkling
• approximately 6-7 tablespoons of low fat milk, less if needed
• 50g low fat butter spread. (Chilled. Pop it into the freezer for 10 minutes before you use it).
• a beaten egg mixed with a little low fat milk to brush on the scones
• 1 teaspoon of honey

  1. Preheat the oven to 220°C and line a baking tray with tin foil and add the spray oil.
  2. Soak the raisins in the orange juice for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Sift the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and sweeteners into a large bowl.
  4. Add the butter and rub it into the flour until the flour/butter mixture looks like breadcrumbs.
  5. Next add the mashed porridge oats and soaked raising and mix with a wooden spoon or spatula for 30 seconds or so. (Don't over mix).
  6. Next add the milk, one tablespoon at a time and stir to combine to bring to a rough dough. Use a little less than the 6-7 tablespoons if needed.
  7. Flour a clean board or work surface well and tip the dough onto it. Next dust the top of the dough with flour and press it down with your hand so it's about 1 inch thick.
  8. Using a cookie cutter or glass, dip it into flour first, then use to cut round shapes out of the dough. Move the glass/cutter in a circular motion to make the scones more round. Transfer to the lined baking tray and continue with the mix, flouring the glass each time. 
  9. Reshape, re-dust and re-flatten the dough as needed and continue until it's all used.
  10. Paint the top of the scones with a little of the beaten egg/milk mix. Drizzle the honey over the top and then sprinkle with oatmeal and bake in the centre of the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown.
  11. When they're done, carefully remove from the oven and let them cool slightly on a wire rack.
  12. The scones will keep for a couple of days if kept in an air tight container like a biscuit tin.

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