Monday, July 19, 2010

Apple & Peach Bake

A bit of baking on the blog today! Apple & Peach bake is a great summer dessert. The fruit is placed in the base of a dish and covered with a light batter that bakes into a tasty sponge. You could easily increases or substitute the fruit content with apricots, pears, mixed berries or even dried raisins which would all work well.

Perfect hot or cold, it's even better served with a little sweetened crème fraiche or low fat ice cream on the side.
This recipe will give 6-8 portions.

• a couple of sprays of Fry Light One Cal Spray oil
• 2 medium apples. Peeled, cored and roughly sliced
• 2 medium peaches. Washed, de-stoned and roughly sliced
• 1 teaspoon of honey
• 2 eggs
• 6 sweeteners. Crushed with the back of a spoon
• pinch of salt (Preferably low sodium salt)
• 45g plain flour
• 15g cornflour
• a little cinnamon to garnish (optional)

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and lightly spray a flan or quiche tin with one cal spray oil.
  2. Slice the fruit and add to the base of the baking tin arranging it in one layer. Drizzle the honey over the fruit and leave to one side.
  3. Next, crack the eggs into a large bowl and whisk until fluffy with a hand blender or whisk for a minute or so.
  4. Add the sweeteners, salt, flour and cornflour and continue to mix for a further minute or so.
  5. Pour the batter evenly over the fruit, transfer to the oven and for 35 minutes or at the top of the oven until golden. 
  6. Add a shake of cinnamon (if using) and serve.

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